Topo Map showing location of Penk Hut


This information is sourced from DoC, LINZ and Openstreetmap. Some of the hut photos are mine and the rest are from DoC. I will be adding an upload feature soon so people can photos of .Penk Hut.
Basic info: standard 6-bunk hut in the South Marlborough area.
Latitude: -41.7869284057
Longitude: 173.683736026
Location: Ferny Gair Conservation Area
Area: Marlborough
Type of Hut: Standard
Map: BR27 Topo Map | Road Map
Does this hut still exist? Have any more information? Contact
Penk Hut . Ferny Gair Conservation Area
Image: DoC

Scroll down to see a topographical map and road map showing the location of Penk Hut

Penk Hut Map New Zealand

Department of Conservation huts in the database
[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ Y ] [ Z ]

Closest 20 Huts to Penk Hut

These are as the crow flies
Lake Alexander Hut 4.55km Dillon Hut 9.44km Omaka Bivouac 10.14km McNaughts Hut 11.86km Cam Hut 13.56km Black Birch Bivouac 13.7km Flynns 14.72km Beehive Hut 15.05km Ramshead Hut 15.42km Swale Hut 19.68km Beechs Hut 20.15km Top Whare 22.08km Tinpot Hut 22.69km Mead Hut 22.94km Old Middlehurst Hut 24.09km Dee Hut 24.23km Zoo Hut 25.23km Cabbage Tree Hut 26.59km Whernside Hut 26.61km Gibson Hut 26.76km Isolation Hut 27.92km Gosling Hut 28.37km Snowgrass Hut 29.8km Turkeys Nest Bivouac 30.34km Blue Mountain Hut 30.97km Hornby Bivvy 31.62km Hidden Hut 32.6km Ravine Hut 32.75km Jam Hut 34.41km Chimney 35.2km Boulder Forks Hut 35.6km Haycocks Bivouac 37.26km Burnt Yards Hut 37.41km Lake Chalice Hut 38.8km Fosters Hut 39.74km Caves Hut 40.98km Fishtail Hut 41.19km Goose Flat Hut 41.96km Mt Sunday Bivouac 42.01km Devils Creek Hut 42.18km