New Zealand Backcountry Huts

Huts in New Zealand Beginning with M

Where in New Zealand is:
Map of DoC Huts in New Zealand

These are a mixture of Department of Conservation and private huts. Those without much information are more than likely privately owned and may or maynot be open to the public. If anyone has any information on any of them it would be great if you contacted me and let me know.

The price of a serviced hut is $15 a night, standard hut is $5 a night, Basic/Bivvy are free or you can get an annual pass for $122. All these prices are half price for 11-17 year olds or free if 10 years old and under. The Great Walk huts vary from place to place and season to season but to give you an idea it is $140 a night on the Milford (half price for New Zealanders) to $15 off season and for summer at least they need to be booked through DoC which you can do online @ DoC. I do plan to add the tracks that these huts are on but it is proving to be complicated.

On each individual hut page I have included a zoomable topo map as well as a road map. Most of the information on these hut has been sourced from LINZ and DoC, so thanks to those two government departments :).

Name LatitudeLongitude AreaTypePhoto 
Moerangi Hut -38.7478868927176.723607963Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation ParkStandard Map 
Mokihinui Forks Hut -41.5481804298172.178591729 Map 
Mole Hut -41.9613277533172.572078039Nelson Lakes National ParkStandard Map 
Monowai Hut -45.8343144455167.349332163Fiordland National Park, Lake Monowai/Borland Road areaStandard Map 
Montgomerie Hut -42.1495503417171.997440525Victoria Forest ParkStandard Map 
Monument Hut -44.0239920298169.811924902Ruataniwha Conservation ParkStandard Map 
Moonbeam Hut -43.1403647351170.807806465Waitaha River areaBasic/bivvies Map 
Moonlight & Roses Hut -44.4938694996169.400169108 Map 
Moraine Hut -43.1798714409171.142048538 Map 
Morgan Hut -41.9827251352172.630828441Nelson Lakes National ParkStandard Map 
Motukawanui Hut -35.0069659455173.937289824Motukawanui Island Scenic ReserveServiced Map 
Moturau Hut -45.4817325607167.610635984Fiordland National Park, Lake Manapouri area, Lake Te Anau areaGreat Walk Map 
Motutapere Hut -37.6220242101175.840759801Kaimai Mamaku Forest ParkBasic/bivvies Map 
Mount Herbert Shelter -43.6948803066172.735168729 Map 
Mount Hut -45.1510213407170.612793246 Map 
Mount Misery Hut -41.9341682112172.670590178Nelson Lakes National ParkBasic/bivvies Map 
Mountain House Shelter -40.8945881054175.431654241 Map 
Mt Arthur Hut -41.1977360611172.715691374Kahurangi National Park, Mount Arthur areaServiced Map 
Mt Bee Bunkrooms -45.5252765157168.372457154Eyre Mountains/Taka Rā Haka Conservation ParkBasic/bivvies Map 
Mt Brown Hut -42.8690544622171.200098471Lake Kaniere Scenic ReserveBasic/bivvies Map 
Mt Fell Hut -41.4576476089173.414746036Mount Richmond Forest ParkStandard Map 
Mt Fyffe Hut -42.3240266527173.593432345Ka Whata Tu o Rakihouia ClarenceStandard Map 
Mt Heale Hut -36.1934116502175.413018932Great Barrier Island/AoteaServiced Map 
Mt John Hut -45.7173073655170.409451336 Map 
Mt Rintoul Hut -41.5192865643173.220639812Mount Richmond Forest ParkStandard Map 
Mt Sunday Bivouac -41.409141939173.678869529 Map 
Mud Hut -45.4844838199168.738549093 Map 
Mudflats Hut -42.8746233201171.368500429Kelly Range - Styx River areaStandard Map 
Mueller Hut -43.72091834170.065166961Aoraki/Mount Cook National ParkServiced Alpine Map 
Mullins Hut -42.9967012224171.123410529Kokatahi River - Whitcombe River areaBasic/bivvies Map 
Mungo Hut -43.0260917507171.197317162Kokatahi River - Whitcombe River areaBasic/bivvies Map 
Munroe Hut -42.0185913451173.251772002 Map 
Murchison Hut -43.5185270898170.394352891Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park Map 
Murphys Bivvy -43.4677629038170.6773422 Map 
Murray River Hunters Hut -46.7816943525167.998385137 Map 
Museum Hut -42.6306584459172.256108898 Map 
Myttons Hut -41.1357842705172.621662185Cobb Valley, Kahurangi National ParkBasic/bivvies Map 
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