Map showing location of Staircase Saddle


LINZ description: Saddle at head of Staircase Stream into Ross Stream Valley approximately 4miles east of Lake Benmore.
Latitude: -44.431881
Longitude: 170.325416
Northing: 5076677.8
Easting: 1387127.5
Land District: Canterbury
Feat Type: Pass

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Staircase Saddle. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Staircase Saddle has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Staircase Saddle Map New Zealand

Staircase Saddle
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Passs to Staircase Saddle

Staircase Saddle ( 0km )   Montys Saddle ( 9.53km )   Little Pass ( 11.31km )   Big Pass ( 14.31km )   Simons Pass ( 23km )   Hakataramea Pass ( 23.79km )   Dover Pass ( 30.49km )   Mackenzie Pass/Manahuna ( 34.89km )   Mackenzie Pass ( 34.89km )   Waratah Saddle ( 38.36km )   Flanagan Pass ( 40.1km )   Burkes Pass ( 43.82km )   Burke Pass ( 43.82km )   Omarama Saddle ( 47.58km )   Lindis Pass ( 56.84km )   Tekapo Saddle ( 57.34km )   Danseys Pass ( 57.99km )   Gunbarrel Pass ( 59.08km )   Gunsight Pass ( 59.08km )   Dunstan Pass ( 60.98km )   V Notch Pass ( 63.48km )   Stoneleigh Saddle ( 65.74km )   Waitohi Saddle ( 68.96km )   Brodrick Pass ( 71.39km )   Fraser Col ( 71.87km )   Surveyors Col ( 72.96km )   Chloe Col ( 73.59km )   Tragedy Col ( 73.87km )   Elcho Pass ( 74.38km )   Jamieson Saddle ( 75.03km )   Cow Block Saddle ( 75.68km )   Faith Col ( 75.8km )   Wilson Pass ( 75.92km )   Wills Pass ( 76.84km )   Charity Col ( 76.91km )   Mockery Col ( 77.15km )   Hope Col ( 77.19km )   Upper Studholme Pass ( 77.62km )   Barrow Col ( 77.66km )   Meikleburn Saddle ( 77.71km )