Map showing location of Pukutuaro Cliff


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 I34; Infomap 346-02 Te Wai Pounamu Edition 1 1995
Latitude: -43.014833
Longitude: 170.533833
Northing: 5234586.5
Easting: 1399030.8
Land District: Westland
Feat Type: Cliff

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Pukutuaro Cliff. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Pukutuaro Cliff has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Pukutuaro Cliff Map New Zealand

Pukutuaro Cliff
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Cliffs to Pukutuaro Cliff

Opuku Cliff ( 1.12km )   Wanganui Bluff ( 7.86km )   Canopy Bluff ( 20.2km )   Annoyance Bluff ( 26.96km )   Waitahi Bluff ( 28.69km )   Poker Bluff ( 29.58km )   Hende Cliffs ( 33.97km )   Kohuamarua Bluff ( 41.15km )   Derwent Crags ( 42.08km )   Blanchards Bluff ( 44.45km )   Duncans Face ( 50.3km )   Armada Bluff ( 50.42km )   Black Bluff ( 51.74km )   Omoeroa Bluff ( 51.76km )   Cape Defiance ( 56.93km )   Waikowhai Bluff ( 69.35km )   Waikohai Bluff ( 69.35km )   Taylors Bluff ( 71.39km )   Martello Cliffs ( 73.54km )   Griffin Bluff ( 73.71km )   Taipo Bluff ( 76.71km )   Cook Bluff ( 78.06km )   Inchbonnie Bluff ( 79.33km )   Saltwater Bluff ( 79.67km )   Scotchmans Bluff ( 80.71km )   Isaacs Bluff ( 81.4km )   Karangarua Bluff ( 81.77km )   Jacobs Bluff ( 93.5km )   Blands Bluff ( 95.46km )   Nine Mile Bluff ( 96.34km )   Cornishmans Rise ( 97.16km )   Twelve Mile Bluff ( 97.46km )   Fourteen Mile Bluff ( 100.44km )   Seventeen Mile Bluff ( 101.87km )   Shannon Cliffs ( 116.6km )   Mannering Cliffs ( 116.68km )   Kea Cliffs ( 117.62km )   Moeraki Bluffs ( 127.81km )   Harper Bluff ( 128.17km )   Strutt Bluff ( 133.65km )