Map showing location of Jacqueline Col


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 I35 Edition 1 1993 Limited Revision 1996
Latitude: -43.425748
Longitude: 170.515672
Northing: 5188906.9
Easting: 1398906.6
Land District: Canterbury, Westland
Feat Type: Pass

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Jacqueline Col. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Jacqueline Col has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Jacqueline Col Map New Zealand

Jacqueline Col
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Passs to Jacqueline Col

Jacqueline Col ( 0km )   Maud Pass ( 0.26km )   Grey Pass ( 1.89km )   Sealy Pass ( 3.12km )   Stewart Saddle ( 5.21km )   Revelation Col ( 7.52km )   Separation Col ( 7.68km )   Hidden Col ( 7.96km )   St Winifred Col ( 8.09km )   Terra Nova Pass ( 8.19km )   Dennistoun Pass ( 8.33km )   Dummy Col ( 8.36km )   Twilight Col ( 9.13km )   Gunn Pass ( 10.61km )   Whataroa Saddle ( 11.58km )   Easy Col ( 12.02km )   Classen Saddle ( 12.11km )   Callery Saddle ( 13.76km )   Whymper Saddle ( 14.2km )   Vertebrae Col ( 14.41km )   Starvation Saddle ( 15.2km )   Armadillo Saddle ( 15.42km )   Orb Col ( 15.72km )   Tasman Saddle ( 15.95km )   Lendenfeld Saddle ( 16.53km )   Havelock Col ( 16.65km )   Angel Col ( 16.66km )   Escape Col ( 17.14km )   Disappointment Saddle ( 17.35km )   Iceland Col ( 17.43km )   Tatare Saddle ( 17.76km )   Divers Col ( 17.9km )   Godley Pass ( 17.99km )   Veil Col ( 18.07km )   Plata Col ( 18.09km )   Adams Col ( 18.17km )   Fan Col ( 18.44km )   Climbers Col ( 18.71km )   Lucknow Saddle ( 18.9km )   Perth Col ( 18.9km )