Map showing location of Stony Beach


LINZ description: Coastal feature at Banks Peninsula
Latitude: -43.672897
Longitude: 173.0538
Northing: 5164455.3
Easting: 1604337
Land District: Canterbury
Feat Type: Bay

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Stony Beach. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Stony Beach has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Stony Beach Map New Zealand

Stony Beach
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Bays to Stony Beach

North West Bay ( 1.23km )   Raupo Bay ( 1.62km )   Okains Bay ( 2.4km )   Little Akaloa Bay ( 3.98km )   Decanter Bay ( 4.9km )   Ducksfoot Bay ( 5.77km )   Lavericks Bay ( 6.47km )   Squally Bay ( 6.7km )   Menzies Bay ( 7.95km )   Le Bons Bay ( 8.09km )   Manuka Bay ( 8.94km )   Scrubby Bay ( 9.43km )   Whitehead Bay ( 10.3km )   Pigeon Bay ( 12.06km )   Hickory Bay ( 12.85km )   Little Pigeon Bay ( 13.18km )   Holmes Bay ( 13.22km )   Duvauchelles Bay ( 13.31km )   Duvauchelle Bay ( 13.31km )   Robinsons Bay ( 13.33km )   Head of Bay ( 13.39km )   Takamatua Bay ( 14.42km )   Barrys Bay ( 14.81km )   Big Bay ( 14.98km )   Blind Bay ( 15.6km )   Goughs Bay ( 15.71km )   Lushington Bay ( 15.77km )   Childrens Bay ( 15.91km )   French Farm Bay ( 16.2km )   Akaroa Harbour ( 16.49km )   French Bay ( 16.54km )   Petit Carenage Bay ( 16.69km )   Paua Bay ( 17.03km )   Tikao Bay ( 17.62km )   Glen Bay ( 17.71km )   Fishermans Bay ( 18.14km )   Shell Bay ( 18.17km )   Red Bay ( 18.29km )   Otanerito Bay ( 18.48km )   Sleepy Bay ( 19.8km )