Map showing location of Glen Bay


LINZ description: Small bay at south end of Akaroa township, north of Green Point.
Latitude: -43.813914
Longitude: 172.951208
Northing: 5148793.9
Easting: 1596075.9
Land District: Canterbury
Feat Type: Bay

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Glen Bay. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Glen Bay has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Glen Bay Map New Zealand

Glen Bay
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Bays to Glen Bay

French Bay ( 1.22km )   Childrens Bay ( 1.81km )   Akaroa Harbour ( 2.56km )   Lushington Bay ( 2.83km )   Tikao Bay ( 2.95km )   Takamatua Bay ( 3.8km )   Anchorage Bay ( 3.84km )   Petit Carenage Bay ( 3.96km )   Ohinepaka Bay ( 4.34km )   French Farm Bay ( 5.02km )   Robinsons Bay ( 5.14km )   Mat Wight Bay ( 5.82km )   Mat White Bay ( 5.82km )   Barrys Bay ( 6.03km )   Titoki or Little Tikao Bay ( 6.13km )   Duvauchelle Bay ( 6.6km )   Duvauchelles Bay ( 6.6km )   Lucas Bay ( 6.68km )   Head of Bay ( 7.01km )   Damons Bay ( 8.2km )   P?hatu/Flea Bay ( 8.33km )   Flea Bay ( 8.33km )   The Amphitheatre ( 8.59km )   Stony Bay ( 8.8km )   Haylocks Bay ( 8.8km )   Otanerito Bay ( 8.86km )   Island Nook ( 8.93km )   Redcliffe Nook ( 9.41km )   Reef Nook ( 9.44km )   Waihuakina Bay ( 9.49km )   Sleepy Bay ( 9.54km )   Squally Bay ( 9.59km )   Rocky Nook ( 10km )   Scenery Nook ( 10.01km )   Long Bay ( 10.68km )   Red Bay ( 10.85km )   Shell Bay ( 11km )   Island Bay ( 11.23km )   Whakamoa Bay ( 11.49km )   Fishermans Bay ( 11.61km )