Map showing location of White Bluffs/Te Parinui o Whiti


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260-P28 058605; NZTopo50-BR29 958986;
Latitude: -41.557668
Longitude: 174.14902
Northing: 5398696.1
Easting: 1695816
Land District: Marlborough
Feat Type: Cliff

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of White Bluffs/Te Parinui o Whiti. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of White Bluffs/Te Parinui o Whiti has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

White Bluffs/Te Parinui o Whiti Map New Zealand

White Bluffs/Te Parinui o Whiti
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Cliffs to White Bluffs/Te Parinui o Whiti

Bastion ( 10.5km )   Toms Cliff ( 25.71km )   Yellow Cliffs ( 66.72km )   Lookout Bluff ( 69.45km )   Haythorne Bluff ( 70.62km )   Tommys Bluff ( 72.3km )   North Bluff ( 75.25km )   Palisade ( 75.98km )   Mackay Bluff ( 77.46km )   Caves Bluff ( 83.79km )   The Bluffs ( 84.72km )   Kupes Sail ( 93.68km )   Moutere Bluff ( 96.8km )   Camerons Bluff ( 114.29km )   Haumuri Bluffs ( 123.48km )   Dellows Bluff ( 157.98km )   Limestone Bluffs ( 160.23km )   Manukau Bluff ( 161.47km )   Higgins Bluff ( 161.78km )   The Three Sisters ( 162.52km )   Castle Cliffs ( 167.31km )   Curious Cliff ( 172.04km )   Grey Cliff ( 172.78km )   Karamea Bluffs ( 177.46km )   Kaipuke Cliffs ( 177.79km )   K?haihai Bluff ( 178.41km )   Heaphy Bluff ( 182.5km )   Crane Cliff ( 188.09km )   White Cliffs ( 191.47km )   Stitts Bluff ( 196.31km )   Bobs Bluff ( 250.63km )   Seventeen Mile Bluff ( 250.81km )   Fourteen Mile Bluff ( 250.88km )   Mannering Cliffs ( 251.15km )   Shannon Cliffs ( 252.02km )   Ambury Bluff ( 252.94km )   Twelve Mile Bluff ( 253.06km )   Nine Mile Bluff ( 253.85km )   The Causeway ( 253.98km )   Cornishmans Rise ( 256.41km )