Map showing location of Tower Ridge


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 P25; NZTopo50-BN28 720864-BN28 728898
Latitude: -40.756745
Longitude: 173.856624
Northing: 5487893.1
Easting: 1672308
Land District: Nelson
Feat Type: Ridge

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Tower Ridge. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Tower Ridge has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Tower Ridge Map New Zealand

Tower Ridge
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Ridges to Tower Ridge

Boars Back Spur ( 69.93km )   Bullock Spur ( 77.01km )   Wells Ridge ( 77.48km )   Cummins Spur ( 77.71km )   Evans Ridge ( 79.58km )   Orchard Spur ( 95.85km )   Miser Spur ( 96.23km )   Parapara Ridge ( 98.37km )   Walker Ridge ( 99.07km )   The Islands ( 101.79km )   Hooper Ridge ( 102.46km )   Te Whet? Kairangi Ridge ( 102.47km )   The Castles ( 102.5km )   Queen Ridge ( 102.97km )   Kill Devil Spur ( 104.55km )   Hardy Ridge ( 105.07km )   Harris Ridge ( 106.34km )   Hornes Ridge ( 106.93km )   Brown Cow Ridge ( 108.23km )   Billys Spur ( 108.43km )   The Castles ( 108.69km )   Link Ridge ( 108.93km )   Gibbs Spur ( 109.01km )   Colosseum Ridge ( 109.38km )   Pearse Ridge ( 109.62km )   Drummond Ridge ( 110.72km )   Catchpool Spur ( 110.88km )   Starvation Ridge ( 112.11km )   Long Ridge ( 112.17km )   Cattle Ridge ( 112.88km )   Maymorn Ridge ( 114.29km )   Paua Ridge ( 114.81km )   Paddy Ridge ( 114.85km )   Renata Ridge ( 115.59km )   Rae Ridge ( 117.5km )   Judd Ridge ( 117.92km )   Cowin Spur ( 119.34km )   Kaumatua Ridge ( 119.41km )   Quoin Ridge ( 119.53km )   Limestone Ridge ( 119.85km )