Map showing location of Tokomaru No. 3 Reservoir


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 S25 Pt R25 Edition 2 1995
Latitude: -40.586902
Longitude: 175.481731
Northing: 5504138.8
Easting: 1810025.2
Land District: Wellington
Feat Type: Lake

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Tokomaru No. 3 Reservoir. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Tokomaru No. 3 Reservoir has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Tokomaru No. 3 Reservoir Map New Zealand

Tokomaru No. 3 Reservoir
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Lakes to Tokomaru No. 3 Reservoir

Mangahao Lower No. 2 Reservoir ( 2.05km )   Mangahao Upper No. 1 Reservoir ( 4.66km )   Lake Horowhenua ( 19.73km )   Karere Lagoon ( 20.74km )   Lake Papaitonga ( 22.43km )   Lake Koputara ( 27.95km )   Lake Kaikokopu ( 29.84km )   Lake Kopureherehere ( 30.08km )   Lake Waitawa ( 30.86km )   Lake Huritini ( 31.26km )   Omanuka Lagoon ( 31.67km )   Ngatotara Lagoon ( 32.15km )   Lake Waiorongomai ( 32.78km )   Pukepuke Lagoon ( 32.97km )   Totara Lagoon ( 47.6km )   Waimeha Lagoon ( 49.91km )   Lake Alice ( 51.88km )   Okupe Lagoon ( 52.52km )   Lake Herbert ( 52.52km )   Lake Hickson ( 52.74km )   Lake William ( 53.62km )   Lake Bernard ( 54.98km )   Lake Heaton ( 56.15km )   Lake Dudding ( 56.79km )   Lake Koitiata ( 57.72km )   Lake Vipan ( 58.31km )   Macaskill Lakes ( 62.09km )   Rotoataha Lake ( 64.8km )   Lake Oraekomiko ( 65.77km )   Mahangaiti Lake ( 66.09km )   Lake Waipu ( 66.21km )   Marton Reservoirs ( 66.3km )   Horseshoe Lagoon ( 67.49km )   Duckpond ( 68.15km )   Lake Rotokauwau ( 71.75km )   Lake Wairarapa ( 71.77km )   Lake Pauri ( 75.16km )   Lake Maungaratanui ( 75.21km )   Lake Wiritoa ( 75.72km )   Boggy Pond Lagoon ( 75.77km )