Map showing location of Steeple Peak


LINZ description: Peak north west of Lake Ohau, south east of Belfry peak, between the two branches of Temple Stream.
Latitude: -44.100771
Longitude: 169.769167
Northing: 5111858
Easting: 1341405.2
Land District: Otago
Feat Type: Hill

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Steeple Peak. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Steeple Peak has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Steeple Peak Map New Zealand

Steeple Peak
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Hills to Steeple Peak

Bruce Peak ( 1.73km )   Belfry Peak ( 2.52km )   Temple Peak ( 3.62km )   Ram Hill ( 4.15km )   Pakeke Peak ( 4.93km )   Shingle Hill ( 5.44km )   Rabbiters Peak ( 5.85km )   Paku Peak ( 6.23km )   Hiwiroa Mount ( 6.57km )   Mount Huxley ( 7.97km )   Mount Maitland ( 8.13km )   Abseil Peak ( 8.55km )   Stevenson Peak ( 8.73km )   Soloist Peak ( 8.74km )   Chosspile Peaks ( 9.16km )   Elusive Peak ( 9.18km )   College Peak ( 9.37km )   Protuberance Peak ( 9.65km )   Mount Glen Lyon ( 9.87km )   Mount Hammerack ( 10.25km )   Anita Peak ( 11.39km )   Mount Wyn Irwin ( 11.95km )   Mount Calvin ( 12.81km )   Boanerges ( 13km )   Mount Sutton ( 14.32km )   Mount Barth ( 14.76km )   Backbone Peak ( 14.81km )   Mount Peterson ( 14.83km )   Taiaha Peak ( 16.13km )   Mount Stafford ( 16.31km )   Ben Ross ( 16.33km )   Mount Glenmary ( 16.34km )   Mount Strauchon ( 16.55km )   Mount Ferguson ( 16.75km )   Pinnacle ( 16.81km )   Mount Heim ( 16.87km )   McNulty Peak ( 17.14km )   Mount Holdsworth ( 17.27km )   Mount Tylee ( 17.36km )   Mount Enderby ( 17.41km )