Map showing location of Seddon Col


LINZ description: Col between the Lange Range and Park Dome, 1.3km North of Park Dome. Whitcombe Pass Survey District.
Latitude: -43.148492
Longitude: 170.934202
Northing: 5220623.8
Easting: 1432023.8
Land District: Westland
Feat Type: Pass

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Seddon Col. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Seddon Col has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Seddon Col Map New Zealand

Seddon Col
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Passs to Seddon Col

McKenzie Col ( 3.22km )   Red Lion Col ( 4.61km )   Full Moon Saddle ( 5.52km )   Erewhon Col ( 6.14km )   Whitcombe Pass ( 8.53km )   Dickson Pass ( 9.64km )   Menace Gap ( 10.41km )   Ridland Saddle ( 10.43km )   Strachan Pass ( 12.31km )   Kea Pass ( 12.35km )   Camp Saddle ( 12.48km )   Truran Pass ( 13.21km )   Mairs Saddle ( 14.51km )   Frew Saddle ( 14.99km )   Mathias Pass ( 15.75km )   Northcroft Saddle ( 15.9km )   Douglas Saddle ( 16.23km )   Meta Saddle ( 16.59km )   Chowbok Col ( 18.48km )   Reischek Col ( 18.5km )   Murray Saddle ( 18.97km )   Poachers Pass ( 19.1km )   Lawrence Col ( 19.1km )   Steadman Saddle ( 19.19km )   Totara Saddle ( 19.74km )   Gadarene Col ( 19.94km )   Ambrose Saddle ( 20.12km )   Malcolm Col ( 20.21km )   Evans Pass ( 20.72km )   Gladiator Col ( 20.81km )   Lambert Col ( 20.87km )   Rangitata Col ( 21.03km )   McCoy Col ( 21.37km )   Jagged Col ( 21.66km )   Boulder Col ( 21.94km )   Groove Col ( 22.49km )   Cameron Col ( 22.51km )   Peg Col ( 22.59km )   Toledo Col ( 22.65km )   Mistake Col ( 22.67km )