Map showing location of Red Deer Col


LINZ description: Mountain pass at head of Karangarua Valley
Latitude: -43.703308
Longitude: 169.920133
Northing: 5156468.7
Easting: 1351841.7
Land District: Westland
Feat Type: Pass

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Red Deer Col. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Red Deer Col has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Red Deer Col Map New Zealand

Red Deer Col
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Passs to Red Deer Col

Karangarua Saddle ( 3.32km )   Wicks Col ( 4.1km )   Douglas Pass ( 4.48km )   New Year Pass ( 5.3km )   Lucy Walker Pass ( 5.45km )   Bernard Col ( 7.13km )   Fyfe Pass ( 7.55km )   Christopher Col ( 7.82km )   Hardies Gut ( 7.9km )   Karangarua Pass ( 8.01km )   Welcome Pass ( 8.01km )   Brunner Col ( 8.63km )   Barron Saddle ( 8.65km )   Twain Col ( 8.83km )   Hope Col ( 10.08km )   Mueller Pass ( 10.26km )   Mockery Col ( 10.46km )   Tuckett Col ( 10.82km )   Charity Col ( 11.24km )   Faith Col ( 11.44km )   Sladden Saddle ( 11.52km )   Waihi Pass ( 11.91km )   Barrow Col ( 12.39km )   Darkwater Saddle ( 12.67km )   Waka Mara ( 13.46km )   Tragedy Col ( 13.56km )   Jamieson Saddle ( 13.99km )   Whales Saddle ( 14.54km )   Fitzgerald Pass ( 14.68km )   Copland Pass ( 15.03km )   Cuttance Col ( 15.51km )   Billiken Pass ( 17.42km )   Baker Saddle ( 17.56km )   Proud Pass ( 19.71km )   Ball Pass ( 19.74km )   Endeavour Col ( 20.36km )   Harper Saddle ( 20.49km )   Porter Col ( 20.84km )   Upper Otoko Pass ( 21.06km )   Elcho Pass ( 21.31km )