Map showing location of Nga Tau E Rua Marae


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 Q12 R12
Latitude: -37.261194
Longitude: 174.949
Northing: 5874371.7
Easting: 1772828.4
Land District: North Auckland
Feat Type: Site

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Nga Tau E Rua Marae. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Nga Tau E Rua Marae has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Nga Tau E Rua Marae Map New Zealand

Nga Tau E Rua Marae
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Sites to Nga Tau E Rua Marae

Te Awamarahi Marae ( 6.62km )   Koheroa Redoubt ( 8.87km )   Whangamarino Redoubt ( 10.57km )   Meremere Redoubt ( 12.48km )   Mission Bush ( 19.92km )   Tahuna Marae ( 21.6km )   Puke Kiwiriki Pa ( 21.76km )   Whatapaka Marae ( 22.87km )   Horahora Marae ( 23.14km )   Tui Pa ( 24.25km )   Rangiriri Pa ( 24.43km )   Te Wheoro Redoubt ( 24.72km )   Whatarua Pa ( 25.5km )   Maurea Marae ( 26.11km )   Waikere Marae ( 26.12km )   Esk Redoubt ( 28.53km )   Rangiriri Pa ( 29.28km )   Onoke Pa ( 29.95km )   Pokaewhenua Pa ( 31.99km )   Miranda Redoubt ( 32.98km )   Kaiaua Marae ( 36.38km )   Waahi Marae ( 36.42km )   Waahi Pa ( 36.72km )   Wahi Pa ( 36.72km )   McLachlan Memorial ( 41.03km )   Spragg Monument ( 42.7km )   Holder Lookout ( 45.03km )   Puketutu Pa ( 45.26km )   Ruakiwi Pa ( 46.15km )   Ewelme Cottage ( 46.69km )   Savage Memorial ( 47.44km )   Turangawaewae Marae ( 48.57km )   Parkinsons Lookout ( 50.36km )   Taurangaokahu ( 50.63km )   Tangirau Marae ( 52.05km )   Tirohia Marae ( 63.39km )   Ngahutoitoi Marae ( 67.05km )   Kahukur? ( 69.28km )   Kaia Te Mata Marae ( 69.39km )   Nukuhau Pa ( 71.47km )