Map showing location of Maungataketake


LINZ description: A hill at 73m on the coastline adjacent to Karore Bank near Auckland International Airport. NZTopo50-BB31 555043.
Latitude: -36.994664
Longitude: 174.747468
Northing: 5904292.4
Easting: 1755500.4
Land District: North Auckland
Feat Type: Hill

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Maungataketake. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Maungataketake has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Maungataketake Map New Zealand

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Hills to Maungataketake

Te Ara Pueru ( 5.91km )   Te Pane-o-Mataoho ( 5.91km )   Matukut?reia / McLaughlins Mountain ( 8.97km )   McLaughlins Mountain ( 8.97km )   Mount Roskill ( 9.16km )   Puket?papa ( 9.16km )   Pukew?w? ( 9.16km )   Matukut?ruru ( 9.89km )   Te T?tua-a-Riukiuta ( 10.22km )   Big King ( 10.22km )   Rarotonga / Mount Smart ( 10.48km )   Mount Richmond ( 10.54km )   ?t?huhu / Mount Richmond ( 10.54km )   One Tree Hill ( 10.98km )   Maungakiekie / One Tree Hill ( 10.98km )   Mutukaroa / Hamlin Hill ( 11.09km )   Hamlin Hill ( 11.09km )   Mount Albert ( 11.74km )   ?wairaka ( 11.74km )   Te Ahi-k?-a-Rakataura ( 11.74km )   T?t?k?puke ( 12.7km )   Mount Saint John ( 12.7km )   Te K?puke ( 12.7km )   Mount Eden ( 13.04km )   Maungawhau / Mount Eden ( 13.04km )   Mount Hobson ( 13.43km )   ?hinerau / Mount Hobson ( 13.43km )   Puke o Tara ( 14.16km )   Maungarei / Mount Wellington ( 14.32km )   Mount Wellington ( 14.32km )   Pukekawa ( 15.48km )   Goat Hill ( 16.64km )   Te K?-a-Maki / Jackie Hill ( 17.15km )   Jackie Hill ( 17.15km )   Bluff Hill ( 17.61km )   Manukau Heads ( 17.69km )   Pierces Hill ( 17.86km )   Taurere / Taylor Hill ( 18.12km )   Taylor Hill ( 18.12km )   Pigeon Mountain ( 18.2km )