Map showing location of Maori Point Saddle


LINZ description: Saddle south of Skippers
Latitude: -44.862999
Longitude: 168.684346
Northing: 5023201.9
Easting: 1259049
Land District: Otago
Feat Type: Pass

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Maori Point Saddle. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Maori Point Saddle has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Maori Point Saddle Map New Zealand

Maori Point Saddle
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Passs to Maori Point Saddle

Green Gate Saddle ( 5.43km )   Murphys Saddle ( 6.09km )   Donegal Saddle ( 6.75km )   Jones Saddle ( 7.31km )   Patersons Pass ( 7.34km )   Skippers Saddle ( 8.77km )   Dandys Saddle ( 10.88km )   Campbells Saddle ( 11.32km )   Monument Saddle ( 12.67km )   Dismal Saddle ( 13.5km )   Moonlight Saddle ( 13.51km )   Stony Saddle ( 13.66km )   Roses Saddle ( 14.24km )   Wire Saddle ( 17.62km )   Reef Saddle ( 21.72km )   Highland Saddle ( 23.79km )   Bridges Saddle ( 23.8km )   Coal Pit Saddle ( 30.04km )   Lennox Pass ( 31.31km )   Antimony Saddle ( 31.96km )   Twenty Five Mile Saddle ( 34.38km )   Wright Pass ( 34.9km )   Luncheon Col ( 35.23km )   Rees Saddle ( 35.88km )   Shepherds Pass ( 35.97km )   Doolans Saddle ( 36.96km )   Valpys Pass ( 37.06km )   Sugarloaf Pass ( 37.83km )   Shotover Saddle ( 37.89km )   Pyramid Col ( 38.73km )   Slapjack Saddle ( 39.15km )   Nicholas Saddle ( 39.68km )   Sallys Pinch ( 40.1km )   Emily Pass ( 40.35km )   Afton Saddle ( 41.61km )   McKellar Saddle ( 41.85km )   Greenstone Saddle ( 43.04km )   Cascade Saddle ( 43.3km )   Lambing Saddle ( 44.6km )   The Divide ( 44.83km )