Map showing location of Kemps Hill


LINZ description: The hill just west of the mouth of Okarahia Stream
Latitude: -42.561583
Longitude: 173.491972
Northing: 5287751.5
Easting: 1640383.8
Land District: Marlborough
Feat Type: Hill

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Kemps Hill. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Kemps Hill has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Kemps Hill Map New Zealand

Kemps Hill
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Hills to Kemps Hill

Tarapuhi ( 1.08km )   Barking Dog Hill ( 2.35km )   Mount Guardian ( 4.88km )   Monument ( 7.3km )   Poho o te atua ( 8.03km )   Peaked Hill ( 8.07km )   Skull Peak ( 9.09km )   Armchair ( 9.19km )   Maori Chief Peak ( 10.25km )   Jacky Duffs Knob ( 10.84km )   Limestone Hill ( 12.9km )   Mount Wilson ( 14.54km )   Rileys Hill ( 14.69km )   Flax Hill ( 14.76km )   Gelt ( 16.88km )   One Tree Hill ( 18.6km )   Dead Mans Hill ( 20.53km )   Rangamahoe ( 21.45km )   Mount Peter ( 21.54km )   Mount Stewart ( 22.57km )   Solomons Throne ( 23.35km )   Black Hill ( 24.04km )   Swyncombe ( 24.72km )   Dog Hill ( 25.5km )   Mount Horrible ( 26.07km )   Mount Eleanor ( 26.68km )   Mount Clear ( 26.69km )   Mount Arthur ( 27.4km )   Mount Cookson ( 27.53km )   Devils Lookout ( 28.11km )   Mount Beautiful ( 28.22km )   Cairn ( 28.31km )   Mount Parnassus ( 28.86km )   Little Hau ( 29.32km )   Mount Fyffe ( 29.56km )   Mount Gooch ( 29.6km )   Big Hau ( 29.61km )   Mount Caverhill ( 29.84km )   Mount Emily ( 30.25km )   Totara Bush ( 30.41km )