Map showing location of Arohaki Lagoon


LINZ description: A very small lake/pond located on the left bank of Waiatui Stream, and immediately south-east of Pukehinau (hill), and within the Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park. Feature shown on: NZMS260 V18 Edition 1 1987 Reprinted 1994; NZTopo50 BG38-Wairapukao, GR 185 123.
Latitude: -38.680987
Longitude: 176.6609
Northing: 5712260
Easting: 1918470.1
Land District: South Auckland
Feat Type: Lake

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Arohaki Lagoon. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Arohaki Lagoon has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Arohaki Lagoon Map New Zealand

Arohaki Lagoon
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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