New Zealand Tracks

Tracks in New Zealand Beginning with O

Topo Map of Hiking Tracks in New Zealand

This is an extensive list of hiking, walking, and biking trails in New Zealand as provided by LINZ. Unfortunately, it is unclear which are walking or biking tracks or private or public tracks, but I explain why on this table. If you want to sort and search, use that table. There are close to 10,000 of them listed here, although many of them are part tracks, i.e. from hut 1 to hut 2. This is the way LINZ provides the database.

Clicking on the map link will take you to a topographical map of the track. You can also view a street map (OpenStreetMap) or a Google satellite view. I have removed Bing satellites as they limit the number per year, which is a shame as their satellite view is often better.

Name LocationArea Distance*SourcePhoto 
Otaki Forks To Field Hut 4.89 kmDOC Map 
Otamatakou Easement 5.55 kmDOC Map 
Otamatapaio Easement 17.90 kmDOC Map 
Otamatuna Ridge Track 6.84 kmDOC Map 
Otanewainuku Lookout Track 3.19 kmLand Information New Zealand Map 
Otanewainuku Rimu Loop Walk 3.79 kmDOC Map 
Otangane Loop 13.35 kmPalmerston North City Council Map 
Otapukawa Hut To Otane Stm Confluence Track 8.15 kmDOC Map 
Otapukawa-Otamatuna Trk 5.80 kmDOC Map 
Otaraheke/Pokeka Route Jn To Puketotara 11.67 kmDOC Map 
Otari 5.55 kmWellington City Council Map 
Otari Plant Collections Otari Wilton's Bush1.43 kmWellington City Council Map 
Otari/Iain Galloway Otari Wilton's Bush1.17 kmWellington City Council Map 
Otatara Pa - Churchill Drive Ridgetop Track Taradale2.28 kmNapier City Council Map 
Otatara Pa Track 1.86 kmDOC Map 
Oteha Valley Road 3.41 kmAuckland Council Map 
Otehake River Route 14.06 kmDOC Map 
Otehake To Big Tops Route 1.94 kmDOC Map 
Otepatotu Sr Track 1.49 kmDOC Map 
Otepatotu Track 1.46 kmLand Information New Zealand Map 
Otepuni Walkway Otepuni4.01 kmEnvironment Southland Map 
Otipua Wetlands Timaru3.39 kmTimaru District Council Map 
Otira Valley Track 1.66 kmDOC Map 
Otito Track 3.22 kmLand Information New Zealand Map 
Otoko W/Way 6.93 kmDOC Map 
Otoko Walkway 6.82 kmLand Information New Zealand Map 
Otukaikino Wetland Track 1.10 kmLand Information New Zealand Map 
Otukota Hut To Puketaramea 5.13 kmDOC Map 
Otumoetai Foreshore/Matua Saltmarsh Tauranga8.61 kmTauranga City Council Map 
Otumoetai Road 2.04 km Map 
Oturehua To Ranfurly Station- Ocrt 25.45 kmDOC Map 
Otutu Hut To Mt Manson Track 2.79 kmDOC Map 
Outlet Track 3.11 kmDOC Map 
Outlook 76 Short Walk 1.20 kmDOC Map 
Outlook 76 Walk 1.09 kmLand Information New Zealand Map 
Outram Glen To Lee Stream Track 2.55 kmDOC Map 
Outram Glen Track 1.73 kmLand Information New Zealand Map 
Outram Glen Walking Track 1.89 kmDOC Map 
Over The Mountain (OTM) Track Mount Maungatautari Reserve9.13 kmWaipa District Council Map 
Owharoa/Victoria Battery/Waikino Walk 1.18 kmDOC Map 
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