Map showing location of Whangamoa Saddle


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 O27 Edition 2 1994; NZTopo50-BQ27 368366
Latitude: -41.220926
Longitude: 173.439753
Northing: 5436624.4
Easting: 1636860.2
Land District: Nelson
Feat Type: Pass

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Whangamoa Saddle. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Whangamoa Saddle has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Whangamoa Saddle Map New Zealand

Whangamoa Saddle
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Passs to Whangamoa Saddle

Gentle Annie Saddle ( 5.09km )   Maungatapu Saddle ( 9.41km )   Rai Saddle ( 10.16km )   Tantragee Saddle ( 13.53km )   Coppermine Saddle ( 15.5km )   Dun Saddle ( 15.59km )   Ronga Saddle ( 17.15km )   T?tara Saddle ( 24.62km )   ?p?uri Saddle ( 25.97km )   Weka Saddle ( 27.62km )   Richmond Saddle ( 28.56km )   Kaiuma Saddle ( 28.6km )   Lowther Saddle ( 30.22km )   Nydia Saddle ( 30.99km )   Neudorf Saddle ( 42.33km )   Rosedale Saddle ( 42.48km )   Sweets Saddle ( 46.91km )   Wards Pass ( 51.03km )   Tonga Saddle ( 51.09km )   Takaka Hill Saddle ( 52.37km )   Spooners Saddle ( 52.88km )   Canaan Saddle ( 53.22km )   Mosses Dip ( 53.88km )   Wainui Saddle ( 54.37km )   Catsears Saddle ( 54.86km )   Pages Saddle ( 55.14km )   Awaroa Saddle ( 56.93km )   Inwood Saddle ( 57.49km )   Blairich Pass ( 58.28km )   Okoha Saddle ( 58.52km )   Pigeon Saddle ( 58.56km )   Flora Saddle ( 58.56km )   Kenepuru Saddle ( 58.78km )   Ramshead Saddle ( 58.84km )   Pig Whare Saddle ( 59.91km )   Baton Saddle ( 60.71km )   Tadmor Saddle ( 63km )   Taylor Pass ( 63.24km )   Maxwell Pass ( 63.63km )   Weld Pass ( 65.06km )