Map showing location of Urquhart Peak


LINZ description: Peak at the head of the North Mathias River. The highest peak on the Agassiz Range.
Latitude: -43.124043
Longitude: 171.122814
Northing: 5223700
Easting: 1447300
Land District: Canterbury
Feat Type: Hill

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Urquhart Peak. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Urquhart Peak has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Urquhart Peak Map New Zealand

Urquhart Peak
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Hills to Urquhart Peak

Monarch Hill ( 1.19km )   Comyns Peak ( 1.31km )   Mount Marion ( 2.09km )   Mount Carl ( 3.1km )   Mount Frieda ( 3.63km )   Vincent Peak ( 4.02km )   Button Peak ( 4.29km )   Mount Tregear ( 4.31km )   Mount Tancred ( 4.31km )   Mount Young ( 4.39km )   Gerard Peak ( 4.72km )   Mount Split Open ( 4.91km )   Mount Notman ( 5.57km )   Mount Tarleton ( 5.94km )   Mount Stout ( 6.03km )   Mount Ballance ( 6.37km )   Little Hill ( 6.56km )   Mount Kensington ( 6.65km )   Mount McWhirter ( 6.83km )   Shafto Peak ( 6.98km )   Mount Meta ( 7.43km )   Mount Warner ( 7.55km )   Mount Harrison ( 7.66km )   Mount Bryce ( 8.14km )   Mount Collet ( 8.31km )   Mount Kai Iwi ( 8.31km )   Bonds Peak ( 8.34km )   Mystery Peak ( 8.4km )   Laws Peak ( 9.31km )   Hinge Peak ( 9.53km )   Mistake Hill ( 9.67km )   Observation Cone ( 9.94km )   Mount Treadwell ( 10.26km )   Mount Neave ( 10.72km )   Mungo Peak ( 10.81km )   Johanson Peak ( 11.27km )   Mount Park ( 11.76km )   Cropp Knob ( 11.84km )   Mount Ross ( 11.98km )   Mount Inframeta ( 12.04km )