Map showing location of Pakuratahi River


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 R27 R28 Pt Q27 Edition 3 1996
Latitude: -41.200667
Longitude: 175.126361
Northing: 5436786.9
Easting: 1778292.3
Land District: Wellington
Feat Type: Stream

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Pakuratahi River. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Pakuratahi River has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Pakuratahi River Map New Zealand

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Closest 20 Streams to Pakuratahi River

Huia Stream ( 2.55km )   Burlings Stream ( 3.35km )   Narrow Neck Stream ( 3.54km )   Bocketts Stream ( 4.22km )   Redington Stream ( 4.31km )   Wairongomai River ( 6.05km )   Waiorongomai River ( 6.9km )   Mangaroa River ( 6.91km )   Climie Creek ( 6.93km )   Cooleys Stream ( 7.54km )   Black Stream ( 7.67km )   Oreore Stream ( 8.03km )   Colletts Stream ( 8.13km )   Mahers Stream ( 8.32km )   Cross Creek ( 8.41km )   Wainuiomata River East Branch ( 9.07km )   Matarua Stream ( 10.26km )   Hutt River ( 10.4km )   Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River ( 10.4km )   Wainuiomata River West Branch ( 10.4km )   Mangaroa Stream ( 10.77km )   Skull Gully Stream ( 11.1km )   Manganui Stream ( 11.15km )   Sinclair Creek ( 11.4km )   Blaikie Stream ( 11.4km )   Mawaihakona Stream ( 11.72km )   Collins Stream ( 11.89km )   Crowthers Creek ( 12.26km )   Little Huia Creek ( 12.55km )   Big Huia Creek ( 12.56km )   Owhanga Stream ( 12.72km )   Whakatikei River ( 12.96km )   Wainuiomataiti Stream ( 13.03km )   George Creek ( 13.18km )   Remutaka Stream ( 13.19km )   Rimutaka Stream ( 13.19km )   Telephone Creek ( 13.35km )   Benge Creek ( 13.78km )   Ruamahanga Diversion ( 13.79km )   Sledge Track Creek ( 13.9km )