Map showing location of Ō Tamakura Historic Reserve


Latitude: -42.488611
Longitude: 173.514722
Northing: 5295843.2
Easting: 1642300.5
Land District: Marlborough
Feat Type: Historic Reserve

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Ō Tamakura Historic Reserve. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Ō Tamakura Historic Reserve has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Ō Tamakura Historic Reserve Map New Zealand

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Closest 20 Historic Reserves to Ō Tamakura Historic Reserve

Nga Niho Pa Historic Reserve ( 16.39km )   Weka Pass Historic Reserve ( 86.59km )   Six Mile Historic Reserve ( 118.74km )   Belgrove Windmill Historic Reserve ( 124.28km )   Kapuatohe Historic Reserve ( 129.55km )   Albion Square Historic Reserve ( 136.38km )   Te Puke-ki-wiataha ( 138.25km )   Horahora-kakahu Historic Reserve ( 138.53km )   Blacks Point Historic Reserve ( 139.98km )   Ripapa Island Historic Reserve ( 140.21km )   Reefton School Of Mines Historic Reserve ( 141.43km )   Reefton Historic Courthouse Reserve ( 141.49km )   Rai Valley Pioneer Cottage ( 141.66km )   Coronation Hill Historic Reserve ( 143.08km )   Lyell Historic Reserve ( 143.23km )   Cairn Of Peace ( 150.16km )   Britomart Memorial Historic Reserve ( 154.52km )   Transit Of Venus Historic Reserve ( 159km )   Hatters Terrace Historic Reserve ( 164.01km )   Denniston Historic Reserve ( 164.79km )   Ship Cove Historic Reserve ( 165.47km )   Jacks Mill School Kotuku Historic Reserve ( 167.61km )   Turnbull House Historic Reserve ( 170.27km )   Government Buildings Historic Reserve ( 170.31km )   Cotons Cob Cottage Historic Reserve ( 172.36km )   Matiu Historic Reserve ( 176.8km )   Te Ana o Matuku Historic Reserve ( 182.74km )   Seddon House Historic Reserve ( 191.1km )   Parapara Peninsula Historic Reserve ( 208.51km )   Mahinapua Creek Rail Bridge Historic Reserve ( 213.35km )   Ross Goldsfields Historic Reserve ( 225.34km )   Ross Historic Cemetery Reserve ( 225.63km )   Shield's Flat Stone Walls Historic Reserve ( 231.57km )   Kakahu Lime Kiln Historic Reserve ( 269.48km )   Raincliff Historic Reserve ( 276.11km )   Donovans Store Historic Reserve ( 284.93km )   Okarito School House Historic Reserve ( 285.18km )   Monavale Historic Reserve ( 293.52km )   Jeanie Collier Grave Site Reserve ( 305.01km )   Moutoa Gardens Historic Reserve ( 312.2km )