Map showing location of Mount Pattisson


LINZ description: Peak (2313m) in the Two Thumb Range, 4km South of The Thumbs Peaks. Block XII Sinclair Survey District.
Latitude: -43.62904
Longitude: 170.729369
Northing: 5166822.4
Easting: 1416821.4
Land District: Canterbury
Feat Type: Hill

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Mount Pattisson. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Mount Pattisson has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Mount Pattisson Map New Zealand

Mount Pattisson
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Hills to Mount Pattisson

Captains Peak ( 2.04km )   Mount Caton ( 2.05km )   Split Peaks ( 2.74km )   Paris ( 3.24km )   The Thumbs ( 4km )   Electra Peak ( 4.04km )   Mount Toby ( 5.12km )   Tantalus ( 5.34km )   Priam ( 5.69km )   Myrmidon ( 6.19km )   High Peak ( 6.68km )   Achilles Peak ( 6.79km )   Mount Brabazon ( 7.01km )   Low Peak ( 7.08km )   Mount Sinclair ( 7.42km )   Mount Ross ( 7.47km )   Alma ( 8.23km )   Ajax Peak ( 8.25km )   Exeter Peak ( 8.71km )   Mount Chevalier ( 9.16km )   Black Mountain ( 9.47km )   Beuzenberg Peak ( 10.4km )   Graf Spee ( 10.65km )   Mount Hope ( 11.15km )   Braun-Elwert Peak ( 11.58km )   Observation Hill ( 12.61km )   High Terrace ( 12.98km )   Mount Erebus ( 15.42km )   Mount Gerald ( 15.49km )   Neutral Hill ( 15.77km )   Sibbald Knobs ( 15.96km )   Mount Sunday ( 15.97km )   Mount Sibbald ( 16.47km )   Finlay Hill ( 16.8km )   East Sentinel ( 17.34km )   Kea Knob ( 17.67km )   Charlies Knob ( 17.77km )   Ferrar Peak ( 18.25km )   Mount Forbes ( 18.74km )   Mount Nolan ( 18.82km )