Map showing location of Mount Foweraker


LINZ description: A peak at height 1804 m located between Red Beech Stream and Sudden Valley Stream in Arthur’s Pass National Park, approximately 8.5 km northwest of Cass. NZTopo50-BV21 937413.
Latitude: -42.973375
Longitude: 171.697072
Northing: 5241318.4
Easting: 1493754
Land District: Canterbury
Feat Type: Hill

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Mount Foweraker. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Mount Foweraker has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Mount Foweraker Map New Zealand

Mount Foweraker
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Hills to Mount Foweraker

The Pyramid Peak ( 2.53km )   Dome ( 2.71km )   Mount Bowers ( 4.1km )   Mount Wilson ( 4.84km )   Mount Scott ( 5.25km )   Corner Knob ( 5.78km )   Mount Williams ( 5.87km )   Mount Horrible ( 6.19km )   Woolshed Hill ( 6.5km )   Cass Hill ( 8.07km )   Falling Mountain ( 8.25km )   Mount Misery ( 8.35km )   Mount Oates ( 8.38km )   Mount O'Malley ( 8.84km )   Remus ( 8.97km )   Mount Aicken ( 9.27km )   Romulus ( 9.51km )   Sugar Loaf ( 10.12km )   Smooth Peak ( 10.89km )   Rugged Peaks ( 11.02km )   Blimit ( 11.03km )   Mount Cassidy ( 11.16km )   Mount Bruce ( 11.16km )   Mount Hunt ( 11.62km )   Valiant Mountain ( 11.69km )   Mount Temple ( 11.76km )   Mount Franklin ( 11.89km )   Phipps Peak ( 12.19km )   Mount Bealey ( 12.4km )   Baldy Hill ( 12.86km )   Brown Hill ( 13.07km )   Lyell Peak ( 13.44km )   Avalanche Peak ( 13.54km )   Long Hill ( 13.75km )   Og ( 13.86km )   Mount Russel ( 14.35km )   Hills Peak ( 14.4km )   Mount Binser ( 14.57km )   Mid Hill ( 14.74km )   Warnocks Knob ( 14.79km )