Map showing location of Macalister Cove


LINZ description: Cove on eastern side of Blackwood Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound. Fronting Lots 8, 9 and 10, D.P. 1071, Block II, Arapawa Survey District. Arapawa Survey District.
Latitude: -41.214362
Longitude: 174.10548
Northing: 5436857.2
Easting: 1692671.4
Land District: Marlborough
Feat Type: Bay

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Macalister Cove. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Macalister Cove has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Macalister Cove Map New Zealand

Macalister Cove
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Bays to Macalister Cove

Okahu Bay ( 1.05km )   Tauranga Bay ( 1.1km )   Cherry Bay ( 1.12km )   Moriori Bay ( 1.15km )   Ratimera Bay ( 1.2km )   Wairakau Bay ( 1.3km )   Blackwood Bay or Tahuahua Bay ( 1.33km )   Kahika Bay ( 1.44km )   Ruakaka Bay ( 1.88km )   Pirapu Bay ( 2.25km )   Totaranui ( 2.67km )   Kahikatea Bay ( 3.16km )   East Bay ( 3.2km )   Monkey Bay ( 3.27km )   Queen Charlotte Sound (Totaranui) ( 3.31km )   Queen Charlotte Sound / T?taranui ( 3.31km )   Kaipapa Bay ( 3.31km )   Kumutoto Bay ( 3.36km )   Sandy Bay ( 3.44km )   Green Bay ( 3.58km )   Arthurs Bay ( 4.69km )   Motueka Bay ( 4.72km )   Ohauparuparu Bay ( 4.77km )   Kaipakirikiri Bay ( 4.81km )   Bay of Many Coves (Miritu Bay) ( 5.19km )   Maraetai Bay ( 5.39km )   Fish Bay ( 5.62km )   Aratawa Bay ( 5.76km )   Kaitapeha Bay ( 5.76km )   Whatamango Bay ( 6.07km )   Ahuriri Bay ( 6.16km )   Pope Bay ( 6.17km )   Torea Bay (Torea Moua) ( 6.22km )   Chaucer Bay ( 6.27km )   Konini Bay ( 6.43km )   Waikawa Bay ( 6.54km )   Hitaua Bay ( 6.7km )   Cockle Bay ( 6.75km )   Cockle Cove ( 6.75km )   Portage Bay ( 6.92km )