Map showing location of Haast Beach


LINZ description: Name for old location of township on coast, south of mouth of the Haast River
Latitude: -43.864341
Longitude: 168.996726
Northing: 5135400
Easting: 1278300
Land District: Westland
Feat Type: Town

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Haast Beach. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Haast Beach has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Haast Beach Map New Zealand

Haast Beach
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Towns to Haast Beach

Haast ( 3.91km )   Nisson Farm ( 21.07km )   Kerin Forks ( 41.56km )   Golden Point ( 51.88km )   The Forks ( 53.32km )   The Bend ( 55.01km )   Lake Ohau Alpine Village ( 81.63km )   The Forks ( 82.74km )   Big Bay Landing ( 84.91km )   Aoraki/Mount Cook ( 89.56km )   Mount Cook ( 89.56km )   Hooker Corner ( 91.78km )   Wanaka ( 93.66km )   Pembroke ( 93.66km )   The Neck ( 94.21km )   The Cove ( 97.41km )   Twizel ( 98.2km )   The Amphitheatre ( 98.55km )   The Criffel Diggings ( 102.74km )   Dans Paddock ( 103.67km )   Roberts Point ( 105.95km )   Cape Horn ( 110.33km )   Bulkays Landing ( 111.73km )   Tekapo Military Camp ( 112.97km )   The Pines ( 113.17km )   Sailors Cutting ( 114.7km )   The Potholes ( 120.03km )   Gunns Camp ( 120.76km )   Hells Gate ( 121.14km )   Mahers Camp ( 121.3km )   Slip Panels Corner ( 121.72km )   Rocky Point ( 121.73km )   The Orchard ( 122.31km )   Sibbalds Island ( 123.41km )   The Island ( 125.67km )   Otematata ( 125.85km )   Quartz Reef Point ( 128.56km )   Whataroa ( 128.9km )   Wataroa ( 128.9km )   Frankton ( 130.55km )