Map showing location of Casey Tarn


LINZ description: Small lake, source of Midbasin Creek which flows into Avoca River.
Latitude: -43.116143
Longitude: 171.44126
Northing: 5225108.4
Easting: 1473188.2
Land District: Canterbury
Feat Type: Lake

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Casey Tarn. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Casey Tarn has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Casey Tarn Map New Zealand

Casey Tarn
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Lakes to Casey Tarn

Lake Lilian ( 9.25km )   Lake Henrietta ( 13.45km )   Mystery Tarn ( 14.56km )   Lake Selfe ( 15.16km )   Lake Catherine ( 15.19km )   Lake Ida ( 15.36km )   Lake Evelyn ( 17.06km )   Ariels Tarns ( 19.62km )   Lake Coleridge ( 20.06km )   Lake Browning ( 20.45km )   Lake Browning/Whakarewa ( 20.45km )   Margarets Tarn ( 24.07km )   Lake Georgina ( 24.59km )   Lake Misery ( 25.9km )   Lake Florence ( 26.54km )   Red Lakes ( 27.52km )   Lake Grasmere ( 27.75km )   Lake Pearson ( 27.86km )   Lake Sarah ( 28.23km )   Mavis Lake ( 28.93km )   Lake Lyndon ( 29.48km )   Lake Anna ( 31.73km )   Lake Sally ( 32.39km )   Lake Hawdon ( 33.19km )   Lake Lyes ( 33.31km )   Lake Marymere ( 33.51km )   Vagabonds Inn ( 33.82km )   Windy Tarn ( 34.15km )   Quagmire Tarn ( 34.59km )   Lake Arthur ( 36.33km )   Manks Tarn ( 37.28km )   Lake Rubicon ( 37.31km )   Blackwater Lake ( 39.26km )   Lake Kaniere ( 39.72km )   Lake Letitia ( 42.04km )   Lake Kaurapataka ( 42.21km )   Balance Lake ( 42.81km )   Ivory Lake ( 42.81km )   Surprise Ponds ( 43.92km )   Reid Lake ( 44.03km )