Map showing location of British-American Spur


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260 E40 Edition 1 1993 Limited Revision 1996
Latitude: -44.775659
Longitude: 168.681624
Northing: 5032892.7
Easting: 1258317.6
Land District: Otago
Feat Type: Ridge

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of British-American Spur. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of British-American Spur has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

British-American Spur Map New Zealand

British-American Spur
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Ridges to British-American Spur

Southberg Spur ( 2.14km )   Dynamo Spur ( 3.61km )   Carmichaels Spur ( 8.12km )   The Island ( 8.39km )   Wild Spurs ( 11.6km )   Greenland Spur ( 13.36km )   McDougalls Spur ( 14.89km )   Wallers Spur ( 15.48km )   Reef Spur ( 15.69km )   Muddy Spur ( 16.56km )   Broad Spur ( 17.83km )   Bridges Spur ( 18.13km )   Butchers Spur ( 18.25km )   Glencairn Spur ( 18.27km )   The Point ( 18.38km )   Long Charlie Spur ( 18.85km )   Vee Spur ( 18.91km )   Little Devil Spur ( 20.43km )   Big Devil Spur ( 21.76km )   Teds Spur ( 21.89km )   The Fort ( 22.51km )   Twenty Five Mile Spur ( 23.59km )   Round Hill Spur ( 24.91km )   Moke Spur ( 25.26km )   Macdonalds Spur ( 26.22km )   Dooleys Spur ( 26.86km )   Williamsons Spur ( 27.49km )   Steels Spur ( 27.67km )   Reidys Spur ( 27.85km )   Paddys Ridge ( 30.06km )   Carriage Drive ( 30.25km )   Narrow Spur ( 31.76km )   Broad Spur ( 32.58km )   Tongue Spur ( 33.36km )   Round Hill Spur ( 34.15km )   Island Spur ( 35.19km )   Daniels Spur ( 36.34km )   Gorge Spur ( 36.65km )   Garden Spur ( 37.22km )   The Tops ( 37.46km )