Map showing location of Alpine Lake/Ata Puai


LINZ description: Feature shown on: NZMS260-H35 777650; NZTopo50-BW15 677033;
Latitude: -43.287287
Longitude: 170.136682
Northing: 5203300
Easting: 1367700
Land District: Westland
Feat Type: Lake

Scroll down to see a more detailed road map and below that a topographical map showing the location of Alpine Lake/Ata Puai. The road map has been supplied by openstreetmap and the topographical map of Alpine Lake/Ata Puai has been supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Yes you can use the top static map for you school/university project or personal website with a link back. Contact me for any commercial use.

Alpine Lake/Ata Puai Map New Zealand

Alpine Lake/Ata Puai
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Leaflet | Sourced from LINZ. CC BY 4.0
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Closest 20 Lakes to Alpine Lake/Ata Puai

Lake Miro ( 3.51km )   Five Mile Lagoon ( 3.96km )   Three Mile Lagoon ( 4.57km )   Lake Mapourika ( 5.99km )   Lake Pratt ( 7.67km )   Lake Wahapo ( 11.25km )   Okarito Lagoon ( 12.56km )   ?k?rito Lagoon ( 12.56km )   Lake Wombat ( 13.13km )   Peters Pool ( 15.01km )   Lake Windemere ( 16.73km )   ?k?ritoiti / Lake Windermere ( 16.73km )   Lake Mueller ( 17.01km )   Lake Gibb ( 17.08km )   Lake Gibbs ( 17.08km )   Lake Gault ( 20.05km )   Aorangi Lagoon ( 20.27km )   Lake Lyttle ( 20.72km )   Lake Matheson ( 21.85km )   Lake Joan ( 25.46km )   Lake Darby ( 25.54km )   Saltwater Lagoon ( 27.49km )   White Heron Lagoon ( 27.51km )   Lake Rotokino ( 27.81km )   Lake Barrowman ( 29.44km )   Saddle Lake ( 30.34km )   Ice Lake ( 30.93km )   Hikimutu Lagoon ( 31.97km )   Abel Lake ( 40.99km )   Hooker Lake ( 44.14km )   Blue Lakes ( 45.28km )   Tasman Lake ( 46.05km )   Lake Ianthe/Matahi ( 47.17km )   Lake Ianthe ( 47.17km )   Sealy Tarns ( 47.66km )   Lake Roto Te Koeti ( 49.39km )   Lake Rototekoiti ( 49.39km )   Red Tarns ( 51.28km )   Lake Kini ( 54.33km )   Ounatai Lagoon ( 54.35km )